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The Department of endocrinology at PRK Hospitals deals with the diagnosis and treatment related to hormones. Our endocrinology offers a wide range of services for diabetes, obesity management, thyroid disorders, hormonal disorders, pituitary disorders, and many more. We offer comprehensive diagnoses for a wide range of hormonal and metabolic disorders, with team-based services in collaboration with allied specialties.


As Endocrine diseases fall into broad categories of hormone over or under production, altered tissue response to hormones, or tumors arising from Endocrine tissue we offer the best treatments examining everything in detail. Our endocrinology doesn’t only deal with common disorders like Diabetes, Thyroid, and Obesity but also shows expertise in handling disorders like secondary Hypertension, Hirsutism Hypogonadism, and pediatric illnesses including growth and puberty.

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    What is Endocrinology?

    Endocrinology is a branch of medicine that deals with the endocrine system which includes various glands. An endocrinologist is a qualified person who diagnoses the conditions that affect these glands. Endocrinologists not only deal with the cancers of the endocrine glands but also cholesterol or lipid disorders, diabetes, hypertension, infertility, lack of growth, menopause, metabolic disorders, osteoporosis, over or under the production of hormones, and thyroid diseases.


    Types of Diabetes:

    There are two types of diabetes among which type 1 diabetes symptoms will be visible very quickly in a week or two. But type 2 diabetes symptoms are very mild and not able to identify. Diabetes can be identified with the following tests.


    1. Oral Glucose Tolerance Testing
    2. Hemoglobin Testing
    3. Diabetes and urine testing


    Your doctor will test your blood sample to identify any signs of diabetes. It will take 2 days to confirm diabetes in your blood sample. If the blood glucose level is high test results also will be acquired quickly.

    Symptoms of endocrinology:

    There are no specific symptoms that we can say that is because of endocrine disorder but we can list out a few things. Here are a few symptoms that you need to have a look at and see the doctor immediately if any symptoms are observed. Check the list of symptoms here.

    1. Weakness
    2. Fatigue
    3. Sudden weight loss
    4. Anxiety
    5. Rapid heartbeat
    6. Thinning of skin
    7. Depression
    8. Frequent headaches

    If you observe any of the above symptoms you need to see the doctor and undergo tests to confirm the disease.As your endocrine system is interlinked with one another, once you encounter any difference in one gland they automatically show the effect on other glands too.

    All these glands like the Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland, Parathyroid gland, Pancreas, Adrenal Gland, Ovaries, Testicles, etc. are interconnected and use hormones to communicate with glands to control the growth and energy levels of your body.

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Are hormone problems genetic?

    Well, not as a routine. Some of the problems in the field of Endocrinology has connection with genes no doubt.

    We have a lot of misconception about the word STEROID. Remember there are different steroid hormones. We have natural steroids in our body, they are life-saving.


    Taking excess of them with the misconception of extra benefit can be harmful.

    Baby in mother’s womb needs good thyroid balance of the mother, thyroid hormone problem is a common cause of miscarriage.


    Also for growth of the baby depends on mother’s thyroid balance. It is very rare to have thyroid problem in the baby for mother’s thyroid issue, so there is nothing much to worry from that point.